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Love And A New Day   |   Midnight Rainbow   |   Four Gold Coins   |   Raindrops and Rooftops   |   Believe   |   Snowballs Melting and Winter Rain   |   In Blinded Night   |   A Quyit Storm   |   Fat Lady Sings   |   Tomorrow, Today   |   Your Side   |   Chase A Butterfly   |   Missing and Loving   |   Tag!   |   Runaway Train   |   And So Now   |   Yesterday and More   |   More Than I Dare
Passions swept beyond lust's dreams...
I find you here in my heart...
Stay with me a second more, for life time seems...
To have begun it's final start.

Let me extend my hand gently, for you to take...
Hold back not pain, as you do....
For in love, there is only one mistake...
That is to reject the person, that loves only you.

Chase me always, I will run slow...
To allow you to tag me in the night...
But always run faster because you know...
I can run slowly out of your sight.

Tag!  I am it, my turn to chase you...
But I grab quickly, and hold you dear...
For you see, you are my love so true...
To let you run, would be insincere.
WishesMade, copyright and all rights reserved  04/18/2001

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Musical selection is " Prayer" by Yuko Ohigashi,
and used with permission by the talented
 13 year old's mother.