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Mom, Dad, Life, Tears
Mom, I need you like I have never before...
I have chased life's dealings to heavens gate...
To yell to you behind a locked door...
Yet find it is not now my time or fate.

Dad, where did you go in such a haste...
When I needed you most, you were gone...
Leaving such an ever bitter taste...
In what I believed was once home.

Life, I find that I must subside....
To live just another day....
With feelings of hurt deep inside...
I loved you, if only in my own way.

Tears, you wash my face of pain...
Testing my strength, another time...
But please remember you are not rain...
And happiness escaped me in words of rhyme.
WishesMade, copyright and all rights reserved 02/19/2001      
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Musical selection is " Mysterious," by Yuko Ohigashi,
and used with permission by the talented
 13 year old's mother.